Principi di pulizia
Generi di pulizia
Generi di sporco
Fattori di pulizia
Durezza dell’acqua
Sistemi di dosaggio
Mezzi ausiliari per la pulizia
Questa pubblicazione rappresenta una proposta di guida alle metodologie di pulizia ed all’analisi dei tempi e dei costi del servizio.
Military Custodial Services Manual Army TM 5-609; Navy Navfac MO-125; Air Force AFM 91-2
NO. 1 WASHINGTON, DC, 17 October 1977
This change contains instructional and custodial maintenance requirements of carpets used in service facilities, other than medical and industrial facilities.
TM 5-609, 25 September 1969 is changed as follows:
Changed material is indicated by a star.
Remove old pages and insert revised pages
A Manual of Programs and Procedures for Buildings, Grounds, Equipment
Diese Information wurde von der Berufsgenossenschaft der Straßen-, U-Bahnen und Eisenbahnen und der Eisenbahn-Unfallkasse unter Beteiligung des Fachausschusses „Bahnen“ der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung erarbeitet.
Glossary of terms of the cleaning industry in German
Das Glossar der Termini der reinigenden Industrie deutsch